

At NorthPoint Facility Services we specialize in providing high-quality painting services for facilities across various industries. With a team of skilled painters and a commitment to excellence, we transform commercial spaces into vibrant and professional environments. Whether you need interior or exterior painting, we have the expertise and experience to deliver exceptional results.

Why Choose Us?

Our team of professional painters are highly skilled and experienced in commercial painting projects. We understand the unique requirements of commercial spaces and use our expertise to achieve outstanding finishes. From meticulous preparation to precise application techniques, we pay attention to every detail to ensure a flawless result.

We believe in using only top-quality paints and materials to ensure the longevity and durability of our work. Our partnerships with trusted suppliers enable us to source premium paints that provide excellent coverage, color retention, and resistance to wear and tear. We prioritize using eco-friendly and low VOC (volatile organic compounds) paints to create a healthier environment for your business.

Every commercial space is unique, and we tailor our services to meet your specific needs. Whether you require a complete repaint, touch-ups, or color consultations, our team works closely with you to understand your vision and deliver customized solutions that align with your brand and aesthetics.

We understand the importance of keeping your business operations running smoothly. Our painters are efficient and strive to minimize disruptions to your daily activities. We work around your schedule, offering flexible hours and weekend services, to ensure minimal impact on your business and customers.

Our commitment to excellence is evident in our attention to detail. We take the time to properly prepare surfaces, repair any imperfections, and apply precise brushwork or spray techniques to achieve a flawless finish. We don’t consider a job complete until we’ve achieved your full satisfaction.

Our Services

Interior Painting

Create a welcoming and professional atmosphere with our interior painting services. From offices and retail spaces to hotels and healthcare facilities, we have the expertise to transform your interiors with fresh coats of paint. Our team carefully prepares surfaces, applies paint evenly, and pays attention to detail to deliver stunning results.

Exterior Painting

Enhance the curb appeal and protect your commercial building with our expert exterior painting services. Our team is skilled in handling a wide range of surfaces, including stucco, brick, metal, and concrete. We utilize high-quality exterior paints and coatings that withstand harsh weather conditions and provide long-lasting protection.

Surface Preparation

Proper surface preparation is crucial for a lasting paint job. Our team thoroughly cleans, sands, and primes surfaces to ensure maximum adhesion and a smooth finish. We address any cracks, peeling paint, or other surface issues, providing the necessary repairs before applying the paint.

Color Consultation

Choosing the right color scheme can greatly impact the ambiance and branding of your commercial space. Our color consultation services help you make informed decisions by providing professional guidance on color selection, trends, and combinations. We consider your branding, industry standards, and personal preferences to create a cohesive and visually appealing environment.

Maintenance and Touch-ups

To keep your commercial space looking fresh and well-maintained, we offer maintenance and touch-up services. Whether it's a small scuff or a larger area in need of attention, our team can quickly and efficiently address the issue, helping you maintain a professional appearance at all times.